Monday, 25 June 2012

15 Funny Comics About Web/Computer That Set You Thinking

Have you ever thought about how the computer and internet(web) have made a difference to our lives? Well,  to look at it in a lighter note, I've compiled the following 15 funny comics related to computer and web. I personally like comic strips as many a time it not only make you laugh (as in LOL*), it also set you thinking (occasionally)!

These comic strips are meant to just make you LOL! Hope they live up to your expectation! ;-)

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*In case you still don't know (which I doubt so), LOL stands for Laugh Out Loud!

comics, comic strip, google,
comics, comic strip, computer
comics, comic strip, google

comics, comic strip, computer
 comics, comic strip,
comics, comic strip, wifi
comics, comic strip, computer
 comics, comic strip, web
 comics, comic strip, email
 comics, comic strip, web
 comics, comic strip, blog
 comics, comic strip, web
 comics, comic strip, web
 comics, comic strip, photo
comics, comic strip, web


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