Monday, 25 March 2013

We All Need A Bucket List

bucket listLet's face it, we all going to die when the time is "right". No one can escape the certainty of death except that we all hope our turn can be later than sooner. Thus, we should not be too concern about death itself but rather what we are going to do while we are still alive and kicking?! Agree? 
Hence, my post on Bucket List today. Simply put, Bucket List is a list of things you want to do before you die (kicked the bucket). Another way to look at it is that once you've checked all the items in your bucket list, you are deemed to have no more regrets in your life as you've done all you set out to complete!

Thus, I am of the view that regardless of your age now, it is important for all of us to maintain a Bucket List and check it off along the way.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Shut Down And Shut Off On Earth Hour 2013!

This year, the annual event of Earth Hour will be kicked off on 23rd Mar 2013 (Sat) at 8.30PM, I am a supporter of this meaningful event since 2010. Click here to see my previous blog post on Earth Hour 2012. The way I supported the event is switching off all the lights at home and stay "dark" for at least one hour. That's It! 

I believed many of you might think that what a difference can 1 hour make? What's the point of such event? Of course, if you are talking about a few hundreds or thousands of people doing it, the effect might not be there? But what if I tell you that there are more than 152 countries (7,000 cities/towns) and millions of people are taking part in this event (statistics as per 2012 Earth Hour), can you see the magnificent savings?

So, let's shut down and shut off on Earth Hour! Mind you, it's less than 3 days away!

Following are some videos on Earth Hour 2013 for the sharing...

Earth Hour 2013 Official Video:

Earth Hour CEO and Co-founder Andy Ridley's 2013 global launch keynote speech:

For more relevant information and resources, check out Earth Hour's Official Site here.


Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Ageing Is Part Of Our Biological Program, Embrace It!

ageing the biological programWhen we were young, whenever our parents failed to find other better reason to tell us not to do something or act on certain way, they will probably said "You are still young, you can do it only when you are older" or "You will understand when you are older". Thus, most of us hope that we can get older faster (at least at that moment).

When we are much older (say at the age of 30s or 40s), we notice that time flies really fast and we can't cope with the speed of "ageing" in terms of our physical appearance and energy level. At this stage of our life, we hope that we can get older much slower!

We all know that ageing is a natural progression of all living objects (including human beings). In fact, it is already pre-programmed in our DNA that we all destined to get old progressively and ultimately face the certainty of death, it is just a matter of time. Of course, environmental effect and supplements could play a part in holding back the speed of ageing externally but internally, the DNA won't lies.

As you might already know, I do not have any panacea or tips on how not to aged, but what I can say is instead of fighting against ageing, let's embrace it and age gracefully. The best way to do it is whatever you are doing now (or going to do), forget about your age, JUST DO IT! (unless of course if you are underage for certain activities that require certain minimum age!).
Lastly, I would like to share a cool hand-drawn animated video on "The Science Of Ageing" from AsapSCIENCE which is very relevant to today's post.

Check it out, it is suitable for all ages! ;-)

Do you have any tips/tricks to share on the best way(s) to embrace ageing? Feel free to share it in the comment section.
