Let's face it, we all going to die when the time is "right". No one can escape the certainty of death except that we all hope our turn can be later than sooner. Thus, we should not be too concern about death itself but rather what we are going to do while we are still alive and kicking?! Agree?
Hence, my post on Bucket List today. Simply put, Bucket List is a list of things you want to do before you die (kicked the bucket). Another way to look at it is that once you've checked all the items in your bucket list, you are deemed to have no more regrets in your life as you've done all you set out to complete!
Thus, I am of the view that regardless of your age now, it is important for all of us to maintain a Bucket List and check it off along the way.
Thus, I am of the view that regardless of your age now, it is important for all of us to maintain a Bucket List and check it off along the way.