Sunday 31 July 2011

Inspirational Sharing - Inspire It Forward (#13)

Another week has just gone past. Hope you folks have a wonderful weekend so far (I know some of you are still enjoying your weekend at this moment).

My apology for not updating my post regular enough for the past 1 week or so as I was tight-up with my work commitment and hope to come back to more regular post soon.

Tomorrow is 1st August 2011, it is also the start of the "Ghost Month" for Chinese community over the world (we called it "7th Month" [Chinese Lunar Calendar]) which will last for 1 month. During this period, we were told not to hang around too late at night (for the obvious reason), so, if you have any Chinese friends or colleagues who said they need to go home earlier this month, not to be alarmed!

Ok, enough of "Ghost Month" stuff, I am going to share with you a video clip that guarantee to wow you by it's sheer view and music. No words, no speech, just watch it! Enjoy...

Of course, I would not forget to share my original quote, here come the quote:

"In certain perspective, there are only 3 kinds of people: 1. The one who DO thing and others follow 2. The one who DO what others are doing and 3. The one who DO NOTHING! Guess who are more successful in their life?"


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