Thursday 10 January 2013

Can Money Buy Happiness? [Video]

can money buy happiness
If you ask, most people will tell you that "Money CANNOT buy Happiness", which is true to some extend. However, there is still close relationship between  money and happiness. 

Accordingly to the entertaining video that I am going to share next (from AsapSCIENCE youtube channel), the key is on how we spend the money instead of how much we earned/saved. In short, if you voluntarily spend the money on others, it will create more chance for you to feel happy. 

Also, there is an interesting findings in the US that income beyond $75,000 (annual) does not impact happiness! What it means is that once your annual income hit this magical number, any  additional amount will not be solely impact your happiness. 

Check out the video below and feel free to leave your view on whether you are agreeable with the findings.

If you really want me to link happiness solely to money, what I can think of is as follows:

"Happiness is when you need not worry about money!"  


P/S: Recently, I've entered into an Instagram Photo contest out of fun and to my surprise, I am into the final phase of the contest. If you have one minute to spare, you may consider voting for me via the following link (under the "Healthcare" category):

And my photo looks something like this:
You can vote up to 5 times per day and the voting ends on 14 Jan 2013.

Thanks in advanced!

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