One way to live a positive and happy life is to try to have fun with any occasion/chances that you encountered and gaming/quizzes (especially those online game/quizzes) is one of the cheapest and simplest way to have fun.
If you are a Singaporean, you would want to pay attention to what I've going to share as I am sure you will have fun and enjoy the quizzes that I am going to share next "It's My Turn", it's a simple yet graphically appealing/fun quiz to analyse your personality to find out "What Kind Of Singaporean You Are?". The best part is it's seamless integration with Facebook that enable you to publish your result in your facebook's wall through one click. Also, you can retake the quiz for as many time as you like.
For your better appreciation, following are some screen shot of my personal result:
The main page of "It's My Turn" |
My result : Apparently, I am a "Take It Easy Singaporean" |
I am quite happy with my result as I am truly a "Take It Easy" guy! My motto in life is to stay positive and happy as long (or far) as possible.
Come and think of it, even for non-Singaporean, you are welcome to have fun and try out this fun quiz to find out "How Singaporean Are You"? Hope you enjoy it while I continue to search for the next fun game/quiz to share in the near future. Also, do feel free to share your quiz result here (in the comment section)!